Project ‘Gutenberg’: All You Need To Know About the Upcoming Core Editor for WordPress

WordPress, the free content editor, is now getting a makeover thanks to the efforts of contributors around the world. The old look and feel of the popular editing platform is now going to get a modern makeover in good time with some serious things to note. For the name, it is derived from the inventor of moving type printing press centuries ago Johannes Gutenberg. The project, as it is known, is trying to also influence and make simple the way how people are using the WordPress for their needs. Every change brings both good and bad each time for the users.

Project Gutenberg details

Project Gutenberg aims to reduce the efforts of the people starting to use WordPress. Normally, people require HTML and short codes in abundance to make it work. The plan is to incorporate some higher level layouts and with the launch bring about simplicity for the users. As of now, the project is in beta testing mode and founders would like at least 100,000 people to try it out before the official launch takes place. This way they can eradicate the initial bugs and problems while also getting to know what more can be done with it to enhance user experience. May be WordPress 5.0 will come up with the Gutenberg editor features added to it.

How to use it?

Currently you will need WP 4.8 to use the project and it can be downloaded from the repository. It already has more than 90,000 downloads and counting. Once you have installed it, there will be links on your web posts with Gutenberg editor options. It will not be replacing the WP editor in the testing phase at least. This means you can work in both the editors as and when you prefer to do so. The dashboard also has a menu added to it with demo and new post creating options for the users.



With the Gutenberg editor, you will easily notice the changes implemented to WP. The overall feel is different to the old version of WP and comparison would show just how wonderful this project is for everyone. The writing space is visibly more even in smaller screens like the laptops. The focus clearly is on providing a hassle free environment for writing on this editor interface. Gutenberg editor now aims for users to learn about blocks once and after adding it you should be able to use it everywhere.

Changes are here to stay

There are many things new about the project and you can surely have a good time exploring the various aspects and rating it online. Like it or not the future has Project Gutenberg written all over it. The issues will be ironed out and it will get integrated in the WordPress sooner rather than later as per the look of it. The testing phase done with you can expect to see the vibrant changes to the visual editor for your favorite platform. About time WP brought some soothing effects for the users like other editors in the market.

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